
Friday, April 28, 2023

Earn It

Chores made easy.... That's a great idea!! Kids want to be responsible; they want to have a purpose and independence, but somehow us parents made it ok for them to forget those very same values we were raised with. If there were a way to create a craving in children to do their chores, wouldn't you want to experience that for yourself? It's like a snowball that starts out as an awkward shy kid that gets nudged down the mountain. One cycle at a time getting bigger, stronger, and gaining momentum to make smart choices, and take care of themselves because they've learned just how great that feels, for themselves. We're not saying our apps are magic, but from day one the goal has been the same. Help families work together. Help kids find energy in being responsible and taking control in productive ways. They need it... The world is really complicated these days but there's nothing more precious than raising kids and having a young family. I know I personally miss those days. Kids are growing up in a time and space that we have yet to truly understand but one thing is certain, technology has a grip on every generation these days so we should learn to embrace, and how best to use it.

Download the app for free. Give it a try and if you don't love it just let us know why and we'll fix it.
Save 30% on EarnIt! - Chores made easy.... That's a great idea!!
Get your premium Earnit! app including upgrades for a year for only $24.99. .@usfg

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